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Tax Relief

We can guide you through the process of claiming tax relief on the cost of our Home Care Service.

  • You can claim Tax relief on the payments made to HomeCarer Trusted Independent Living for Homecare at your marginal rate of tax which is 20% or 40%.

  • Maximum tax relief in a calendar year for Homecare Services is currently €75,000.

PAYE Tax Payer:


  • You can claim tax relief monthly through your salary or at the end of the year.

  • Complete and return Revenue Commissioners form HK 1 and submit it to your Revenue Office during or after the year end

  • Your Tax Credits will be increased each week and month to ensure that you pay a reduced rate of tax or alternatively you will receive a tax rebate at year end to compensate you towards the fees paid to HomeCarer Trusted Independent Living. 


Self Employed Tax Payer:



Low Income Tax Payer or Unemployed:


  • If you are currently not paying tax due to a low income then it is possible for an employed family member to claim the full tax relief.

  • For example, if you have a family member e.g. husband, wife, son, daughter or sibling  who pays tax at 40% then we can invoice them for the Homecare Serviecs and they can avail of the maximum tax relief.  

  • We can discuss this option with you during a free home consultation.


A full guide to the process is available on the Revenue Commissioners website.




D08 Y7EP

01 406 4285

©2021 By HomeCarer Trusted Independent Living

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